LeDaro: Homelessness and patriotism?

Stars and Stripes comfort or maybe homeless man is conveying that so much for the Stars and Stripes. It does not cover poverty – wars yes, Americans-well beings no! Imagine $ 2 trillion for Iraq and Afghanistan wars could have done for the Americans at home. But then black-gold rules. The picture

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Accidental Deliberations: Saturday Morning Links

Assorted content for your weekend reading. – Andrew Jackson rightly questions Greg Mankiw’s faith-based assertion that increasing wealth accumulation is based solely on merit and contribution to society rather than hoarding and rent-seeking. And Martin Lobel highlights a few of the distortionary policies that have served to exacerbate inequality in

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The Canadian Progressive: 200,000 Canadians Experience Homelessness Each Year, Says New Report

By: York University | Press Release: TORONTO, June 19, 2013 – The Canadian Homelessness Research Network (Homeless Hub) and the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness released the first extensive Canadian report card on homelessness called State of Homelessness in Canada: 2013 today in Toronto. Highlights of the report include: 200,000 different Canadians experience homelessness

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Melissa Fong: Anti-Gentrification Pidgin Protesting: Bad Urban Planning but Potential for Good Social Movement Building

This is a fifth instalment to the gentrification series- discussing the Protests and pickets in Vancouver’s DTES Thus far I haven’t been too clear about where my commitments lie.  I understand both sides. Team Anti-gentrification/ CCAP/ Homeless Dave/ Poor people’s movement/ DTES advocate: They are locally organizing against some larger scale problems,

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