wmtc: 10 things on my mind about covid-19

1. Wealthy urbanites are fleeing to their second homes — buying out grocery stores, expecting personal shoppers and home delivery, swelling vacation towns’ size to summer proportions. This is the epitome of the egocentric, classist arrogance that often pervades the United States. 2. In India, a planned lockdown of more

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Accidental Deliberations: Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material to start your week. – Anand Giridharadas writes that with Bernie Sanders in position to win the Democratic nomination for president, the U.S.’ election will answer the question of whether the country belongs to billionaires or to everybody else.  – Emily Bazelon discusses how the Trump administration’s choice

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Alberta Politics: UCP launches blitzkrieg on physicians as health care in Alberta returns to its normal state of chaos

If you’ve been operating under the misapprehension the United Conservative Party is just the latest version of the Progressive Conservative Party that ran Alberta from 1971 to 2015, yesterday’s blitzkrieg attack on the province’s 11,000 physicians should disabuse you of that notion. No, this crowd is unique in the history

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