Terahertz: Someone take May’s shovel away

After erupting on Twitter yesterday, Green Party leader Elizabeth May is trying to defend her comments on her blog. She repeatedly falls back on the “precautionary principle,” stating that if we don’t really know if Wi-Fi is safe, then we should be careful. Never mind the similarities between this and the “teach the controversy” or […]

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Terahertz: Those kooky Greens

I’ve been considering running in the upcoming Vancouver municipal election and the thought of seeking a Vancouver Greens nomination had crossed my mind, but I think I don’t think I’m quite ready to sign on with them yet. Two news items today reminded me how prominent anti-science environmentalism is in the party. First, the BC […]

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Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff: Angus Green

Angus Reid called this evening for a survey about Saskatchewan politics. They neglected to mention Larissa Shasko, leader of the Green Party of Saskatchewan at any point, even though they were asking about Ryan Bater, Dwain Lingenfelter, and Brad Wall and the public’s feeling of government direction. I objected to their uneven polling. So long […]

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