Northern Insight: Mostly fools

When asked the population of England, Scottish historian and essayist Thomas Carlyle gave as his answer, “Thirty millions, mostly fools.” If asked about British Columbia’s population, Time Colonist writer Les Leyne would say, “4.6 millions, mostly fools.” That would explain a pair of columns by Leyne that could establish a

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"Robo-calls? Get a grip. We’re Canadian"

So says Globe & Mail scold Margaret Wente. We expect our elections to be squeaky clean, and that’s a good thing. Obviously, there were election irregularities in Guelph, and maybe elsewhere, and Elections Canada needs to find out what happened and who did it. But it’s ridiculous to think there

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Globe & Mail dips its toes into Robogate

Globe & Mail editorial office The Globe & Mail, that dusty old Miss Havisham of a newspaper, has been notably silent on the Robogate scandal, dancing around it like a wounded Dervish. It has yielded the floor to another Conservative publication, the National Post of all papers, to take the

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Globe & Mail dips its toes into Robogate

Globe & Mail editorial office The Globe & Mail, that dusty old Miss Haversham of a newspaper, has been notably silent on the Robogate scandal, dancing around it like a wounded Dervish. It has yielded the floor to another Conservative publication, the National Post of all papers, to take the

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David Climenhaga's Alberta Diary: No one who has been paying attention should be surprised by Harper government’s fake pension ‘crisis’

“Holy shit,” this old guy is asking himself, “what was I thinking when I voted for Stephen Harper?” Below, Prime Minister Harper himself, possibly not exactly as illustrated. Below that, Mr. Harper as he appears to people who haven’t been paying attention. Does it really surprise anyone that Prime Minister

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