Accidental Deliberations: Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your Monday reading. – Janet Bagnall neatly dissects the Cons’ plan for dismantling public services: The Harper government is nothing if not predictable in how it goes about dismantling a program or service. It starts by denigrating the program and the program’s beneficiaries, and telling Canadians that

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Impolitical: Tone at the top

The Globe editorializes on Bev Oda’s resignation: “Bev Oda’s departure: an overdue nod to accountability.” The departure of Bev Oda from the federal cabinet should have happened months ago. Nevertheless, her resignation – effective July 31, apparently prompted by the knowledge or belief that she would be shuffled out later

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Scott's DiaTribes: Friday flipping

-Young Liberal Zach Paiken asserts that Canada is becoming more conservative – therefore, Liberals must follow that trend to get re-elected one day.  I don’t see any polls or statistics in that story backing that claim up. Zach, if you’re not aware, has a bit of a reputation amongst some

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Far and Wide: Snake Oil Salesmen

Do you remember the photo ops, Conservatives standing in front of military hardware, on site at aerospace companies, trumpeting the “12 billion” in benefits the F-35 would bring to Canada? Here’s a beauty release put out by the PMO in 2011, wherein the Prime Minister mentions the 12 billion in

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