The whole Truth

Belief: 1. The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in a person or thing; faith. 2. Mental acceptance or conviction in the truth or actuality of something. 3. Something believed or accepted as true; especially, a particular te…

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Trashy's World: Perspective…

This is what I Tweeted this morning: baldjam 7:51am via HootSuite ALERT! Black BMW. Male driver. Driving S on Russell about 10 min. ago.ALMOST HIT MY WIFE & DAUGHTER.Any info, PLS call police! #Ottawa Scary stuff. Got a call from my very upset spouse telling me that a speeding black BMW ran swerved around a […]

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Trashy's World: Why work?

Actual conversation between my 7 year daughter and I yesterday. Daughter: When are we going to Montreal? Me: Well, I’m not going. You and your brother and Mommy are going next week. I have to go back to work on Monday. Daughter: Why? Me: Because my summer holidays are over and now it’s time for […]

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