No more dumpster diving

In addition to getting rid of stuff, successful decluttering also requires that you stop bringing stuff home. Stop buying, stop thrifting, stop dumpster diving, stop online shopping, stop bringing more clutter into the house. A couple of days ago I was walking to work and listening to Dan Savage’s podcast

Continue reading Bowls I love

I love this bowl, too. Chandler Swain, my favourite potter, made it. I haven’t actually used it, since it hangs on a wall, but I’m pretty sure my Shreddies would taste great in there. Here it is with my Chandler Swain fruit bowl, which I also love. There’s a William

Continue reading Decluttering, again

Everything tastes better in my Maureen Marcotte bowl, which I bought at the 260 Fingers pottery show last Fall. I’ve launched a new decluttering campaign at my place. I’m trying to guide myself with this: “If you use it, keep it. If you love it, keep it. Otherwise, give it

Continue reading Last chance to join

I’ve pretty much always voted NDP, but now I’m an official card-carrying member. I signed up last week so I can help choose the next leader of the Official Opposition and the first New Democratic Prime Minister of Canada. Woohoo! There are a number of impressive candidates running for Leader

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GC and I went skating on the Rideau Canal Skateway yesterday. We weren’t actually planning to, and we didn’t have our skates with us. But it was such a gorgeous day and the ice looked so inviting, so we rented skates at the kiosk at Dow’s Lake. While we were

Continue reading I borrowed a blind octogenarian

The Human Library took place yesterday at the War Museum and five branches of the Ottawa Public Library. There were sixty “human books” which people could borrow for one-on-one 20-minute conversations. They included: CBC radio personalities OC Transpo bus driver Muslim woman Sex worker Peking Opera performer Children’s Aid worker

Continue reading A little scattered

I’ve been a little scattered lately. I arrived home from work on Monday to the sound of Kazoo cackling in the dark. The whole time I was taking my boots and jacket and stuff off, she kept saying “Hello,” and laughing, and I kept saying hello and laughing back. As

Continue reading A sign

Yesterday morning I was walking to work along Gladstone Avenue when all of a sudden a dead bird came hurtling out of the sky and crashed head first into a snowbank right in front of me. It was a pigeon: I could tell by its little pink feet sticking out

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