Financial Planning for Kids

GC and Rosie and I were out walking on Saturday afternoon, when we encountered the following scene. Two boys, perhaps eleven or twelve years old, had climbed up on top of a structure by the fountain in Centrepoint Park. They were perched up there dispensing financial advice to  a somber-looking

Continue reading Feeding Time at the Zoo

This is what a typical Birdie Breakfast looks like around here. Going clockwise from the left, that’s Simon’s breakfast, Kazoo’s breakfast and Oboe’s breakfast. By suppertime, Simon’s breakfast dish will be empty, Kazoo’s breakfast dish will be half-empty, and Oboe’s breakfast dish will be upside down on the floor of

Continue reading Prisoners in my basement

I spent all day Friday as a prisoner in my own basement. My tub and shower were being replaced with a Bathfitter acrylic surround, and there were some smelly chemicals involved. Birds are extremely vulnerable to chemical toxins, which can cause their delicate little lungs to hemorrhage, so I wanted

Continue reading Am I sick or am I stoned?

Many years ago, when I was in my teens, I spent a pleasant afternoon with three friends drinking Tussionex, which is a prescription  cough syrup.  Personally, I preferred to spend my time at the other end of the spectrum, doing amphetamines and staying awake for days on end. But these

Continue reading Dog vs. Cat

One of my colleagues sent this around yesterday. I’ve watched it about five times since. I laughed so hard the fifth time I almost wet my pants, so I better not watch it anymore. Make sure your speakers are on. <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>    

Continue reading New Job

The place I’ve been working since September – Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation – is great. It’s a private non-profit housing organization, and I was a tenant of theirs for years.  I’ve always liked the organization, and I couldn’t ask for better colleagues. But, it was always intended to be a

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