Alberta Politics: Doomsayers, Chicken Littles and Conservatives get it wrong on the impact of minimum wage increases

Now there’s a surprise! Ontario’s minimum wage increase behaved exactly as predicted by most mainstream economists. That is, the 21-per-cent wage increase implemented by the former Liberal government that took effect on Jan. 1 this year did none of the terrible things Conservative politicians, right-wing think tankers, Astro-Turf “tax watchdog”

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Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff: Your Alberta Propaganda

WARNING: The following blog post contains government propaganda (literally). Reading it may cause a warped sense of reality, and loss of your bearings. It’s repulsive that @YourAlberta Government is paying for this propaganda promoted tweet … They sound like a Trudeau Liberal, ‘The money from destroying the earth from selling

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Earthgauge News: Interview with journalist Paul McKay about pipeline economics in Canada Time and time again, we hear from politicians that we need more pipelines to get Alberta’s oil to new markets. But Paul Mckay, an award-winning journalist who has looked at this issue closely, says this is all a shell game, smoke and mirrors designed to distract us from

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The Common Sense Canadian: Canada backs foreign investor rights to shield mining industry: Book

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria during a bi-lateral meeting in Paris (OECD/Flickr CC Licence) Canada’s controversial mining sector may be the driving force behind the country’s insistence on protecting foreign investors’ rights over laws that guard its own citizens and environmental values. Prime Minister Justin

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