The Canadian Progressive: New report shows path to better oilsands, climate accountability for Alberta and Canada

By Pembina Institute (Press Release) | Feb. 25, 2013: EDMONTON — As Canada faces increasing scrutiny of its weak climate change policy for oilsands development, a new report illustrates how both Alberta and the federal government can better manage emissions and improve the country’s international reputation. The new Pembina Institute report, Carbon

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350 or bust: IdleNoMore Idles On

The mainstream media speculates that IdleNoMore, the movement for indigenous sovereignty and environmental justice that swept across Canada in recent months has petered out. The Harper Conservatives in Ottawa desperately hope that it has, but the truth is more complicated. Like waves breaking on a shore, the IdleNoMore movement has

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Accidental Deliberations: New column day

Here, on Brad Wall’s off-key lobbying against action on climate change – and why we should see the bright side of having the Obama administration push us toward more sound environmental policy when far too many Canadian leaders have failed in their responsibilities. For further reading…– Wall’s simultaneous lobbying for

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The Disaffected Lib: Displaced Fear

 Conservatives are fear-driven.   Their minds work differently than ours, or at least they work differently than progressives’ minds.  Brain scan research has found that rightwingers process information via the right amygdala, the centre of the brain’s threat response system.  Lefties perform the same process using the insula, a small part

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