Scott's DiaTribes: Thoughts on the long gun resgistry’s future – or its potential future incarnation

The Conservatives have decided to go even further then they previously stated in going after the destruction of the long-gun registry – now, not only will they kill it, they want to destroy all of the database of long guns collected, in order to try and prevent a future federal government from resurrecting it, or a provincial government from doing its own.

Is this surprising? Nope. The fate of the long gun registry was sealed when the Conservatives got their majority, and since they’ve gotten their majority, they’ve tended to use it to taunt their political opponents. Part of this is no doubt intended to mollify their core constituency […]

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Scott's DiaTribes: Thought on the Supreme Court panel process

I didn’t get a chance to address this when it came up the last week and a bit, but I wanted to say that the MP panel that “questioned” Harper’s Supreme Court nominees seems to me to be a big waste of time and taxpayer money. It could possibly be my reaction to some of the questions that were lobbed the nominees way – not just by the government MP’s but the opposition MP’s as well – but overall, if the panel has no power in objecting to the judges and say, voting to reject them, I don’t see the point in it.

Does that mean I want […]

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Scott's DiaTribes: You know your crime bills are way out in right field….

…when Texas conservatives/Republicans condemn it as not workable and overly expensive, and instead believe money spent on rehabilitation and such is the smarter way to go, and much more effective:

On a recent trip to Texas, an array of conservative voices told CBC News that Texas tried what Canada plans to do – and it failed…Rep. Jerry Madden, a conservative Republican who heads the Texas House Committee on Corrections…found that Texas had diverted money from treatment and probation services to building prisons. But sending people to prison was costing 10 times as much as putting them on probation, on parole, or in treatment. “It was kinda silly, what we […]

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Scott's DiaTribes: #Occupy Toronto pictures.

While in Toronto for the day on Saturday for our Progressive Blogger meet-up, some of us bloggers sauntered down to Bay Street to check out the Occupy Toronto “pre-protest” protest that had sprung up. There was about a crowd of 1000 there – quite a few gawkers, reporters and curious onlookers out of that bunch. There were a lot of placards and a lot of people handing stuff out.  I personally got a “Free Private Bradley Manning” pamphlet – he who helped leak docum,ents to Wikileaks. Some of the stuff we saw was a bit out there. I know that because one of the bloggers down there with […]

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