Dr. Harper’s New and Improved Medicare

Catch 22 note: Western Canadian journalist and columnist Murray Dobbin recognized many years ago that Stephen Harper promoted a political ideology that went against the Canadian national interest. Dobbin has tracked Harper’s career from his early days at the right-wing National Citizens Coalition some 30 years ago. Dobbin is a member of Catch 22’s campaign team.


by …

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"The Great Disconnect: Stephen Harper’s Platform and What Canadians Really Want"

James Laxer is regularly asked to comment on current national and global issues by the Canadian media and frequently writes columns in major newspapers and periodicals.


The Great Disconnect: Stephen Harper’s Platform and What Canadians Really Want

by James Laxer



If the Conservatives get their majority, the first two years of untrammeled Harper power, will be very…

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Do something

Catch 22 note: Western Canadian journalist and columnist Murray Dobbin recognized many years ago that Stephen Harper promoted a political ideology that went against the Canadian national interest. Dobbin has tracked Harper’s career from his early days at the right-wing National Citizens Coalition some 30 years ago. Dobbin is a member of Catch 22’s campaign team.


by Murray…

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Cons push for majority must be stopped: Harper would dismantle Canada as we know it

Catch 22 note: Western Canadian journalist and columnist Murray Dobbin recognized many years ago that Stephen Harper promoted a political ideology that went against the Canadian national interest. Dobbin has tracked Harper’s career from his early days at the right-wing National Citizens Coalition some 30 years ago. In this column, Dobbin, a member of Catch 22’s campaign team, explains how Harper would change the face of Canada if elected with a…

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Catch 22 candidate recommendations to date…

Earlier this week, Catch 22 launched the candidate discussion and recommendation process in 25 online riding groups for ridings that are all held by Conservatives. There were varying levels of participation in the discussions.
The central team recommendations have been accepted by our local groups and we’ve added them to the six recommendations finalized last week. You can see the up to date list below.

These ridings are part of the more than 50 ridings where Catch 22 is…

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