Cowichan Conversations: Threat of Hiring 201 Chinese Workers Reveals Deep Problems

Richard Hughes-Political Blogger


The problems of so called labour shortages reflects both Federal and Provincial Government’s failed policies caused by cutting training programs at home. Labour unions understandably are ringing the bell.

The Canadian Press reports:

Controversial plans to hire 201 Chinese workers at a proposed mine in northern  British Columbia have prompted Ottawa to announce a review of its entire foreign  worker program, with the government suggesting the case has revealed deeper  problems with a system designed to fill short-term labour shortages.

For the the rest of the article click here.

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Cowichan Conversations: Van Dongen Goes After Christy Clark Over BC Rail Sale!

Richard ‘Hub’ Hughes-Political Blogger


The long awaited charge levelled against Premier Christy Clark over her role, as then Deputy Premier, in the BCR scandal has finally materialized.

Here is a report from the Vancouver Sun

John van Dongen, the former BC Liberal MLA who now sits as an Independent, has asked B.C.’s Conflict of Interest Commissioner to conduct a formal inquiry to determine whether Premier Christy Clark broke the law in her handling of the BC Rail issue back in 2003.

For the rest of Sun Reporter Johnathan Fowlie’s story click here.

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Cowichan Conversations: Politicians Please Ponder Pot Policies Promptly!

Richard ‘Hub’ Hughes-Political Blogger

For decades our politicians have pouted over the question of legalization often throwing their hands in the air pointing to the US War on Drugs as evidence that they could not possibly legalize cannabis here in Canada.

Well the air has just been let out of that balloon.

Washington State and Colorado residents voted for regulated legalization and will now set out to kick the plans into gear.

This has really ruffled the feathers of our BC politicians and their Federal counterparts. What to do now? OMG the pressure is on!

I’m sure glad I have a driver! I can’t stop giggling and I have the munchies!

What are our politicans thinking?

The latest polling shows 75 percent of Canadians want the funny tobacco legalized.

It is really only a minority bolstered by those who profit in the deadly drug trade that want to see legalization blocked.

It is disappointing to see our Liberal and NDP leaders ducking the issue. They have in unison kicked the ball over to the Ottawa crowd.


Christy! What was in those Timbits?

Both Premier Christie Clark and BC NDP leader Adrian Dix conveniently ignore the fact that Premiers and their Attorney Generals can take steps provincially by instructing our police forces and prosecutors to lay off busting people for simple possession of marijuana.

Canada’s Premier’s should be lobbying Ottawa to listen to the strong majority desire for and end to prohibition.

I still don’t feel any different. It doesn’t seem to work for me. Can I have some timbits?

PM Harper embraces the 1930′s ‘Reefer Madness’ attitude to the devil weed and would just as soon jail pot puffers.

NDP leader Thomas Mulcair has balked, flip flopped and spoken against liberalizing present laws that turn otherwise law abiding citizen into criminals.

He has sadly demonstrated that he too is out of touch with Canadian attudes towards the failed ‘War on Drug’s.’

Bob Rae, Federal Liberal Interim leader has said that what we have in place is not working and we really have to look at a different approach.

Federal Liberal Leadership hopeful Justin Trudeau appears to be poised to actually step up, but so far he has been bob and weaving. He may surprise in later rounds of the bout.

Thwer has been a clear call from the Young Liberals to end the prohibition that has failed miserably.

Most Canadian Politicans, not all, are out of touch with the mood of the nation.

It is not too late for our politicians to take a deep breath and seize the moment. It will be most revealing to watch the dance that follows.

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Cowichan Conversations: Harper Rolls Over-Welcomes Foreign Ownership With Some Tinkering

Oilfields for Sale or Rent-Politicians -only 50 cents


While PM Stephen Harper is in India trying to  sell off more of our sovereign resources an announcement informs us that he is preparing to approve the  CNOOC and Petronas deals, after a bit of tinkering. Ahem.

I will bet that when his officials try to set up a foreign visit receive the warmest of  welcomes.

Here comes Steve, Woo Hoo!

The Financial Post story on this sellout is available right here.

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Cowichan Conversations: How You Can Help Stop Ratification of Canada-China FIPA

Richard ‘Hub’ Hughes – Political Blogger


The Common Sense Canadian Website has led the way shining a light on the Canada-China Trade Investment Deal. It stinks to high heaven. Check this out and please send the letter to the politicians shown in their post.

In recent weeks, numerous campaigns have been launched to take on the Canada-China trade deal known as FIPA – most involving online petitions. Yet there is an official avenue for public opposition that has been largely missed and presents a clear path to delaying or even preventing FIPA.

The full Common Sense Canadian Report is available here.

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Cowichan Conversations: The Real Threat is in Harper’s Gutting the Legal and Regulatory Framework for Oil and Gas

Kevin Logan- Cowichan Conversations Contributor Here is another Post from Cowichan Conversations Contributor Kevin Logan. Kevin Logan’s career has been diverse, ranging from small business to NGOs through finance and government. He served as a ministerial assistant to numerous ministers and a premier in the former BC NDP Administration. Kevin

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