Cowichan Conversations: The Canadian Conversation is Not One Dimensional-But The MSM Is! *Updated*

Richard Hughes-Political Blogger The concentrated ownership of the corporate media has created predictable, dull and unreliable sources of news and information. Canadians have seen their once diverse ‘Mainstream Media’ devolve into a homogeneous blur too often failing to reflect the texture or variation of views that exist in our towns, cities,

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Cowichan Conversations: ‘Idle No More’ Receives Support from Columbia- Aboriginal Pushback Grows

Richard ‘Hub’ Hughes- Political Blogger Support for Attawapiskat Chief Teresa Spence is it sees going international as the word of her hunger strike for aboriginal justice continues. Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper refuses to meet with the Chief Spence. Harper’s Omnibus Bill contained measures that further damaged a marginalized people

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