Cowichan Conversations: It is Time to Declare a Moratorium on School Closures In the Cowichan Valley

Richard ‘Hub’ Hughes-Political Blogger The present turmoil and uncertainty regarding Cowichan School District school closures and restructuring of the entire system is being driven by the Christy Clark governments appointed ‘Trustee’ sent up to do the BC Liberal governments dirty work. This man arrived with an agenda from Victoria. He was sent

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mike watkins dot ca: Exit

Christy Clark’s B.C. Liberals may well be looking for the exit door soon. Martyn Brown, former premier Gordon Campbell’s chief of staff, doesn’t think yesterday’s budget holds good news for his party. "I think the only ones jumping for joy today, really, will be the NDP because, effectively, this government

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Northern Insight: Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax–of cabbages–and kings

A paper produced for the Business Council of British Columbia in 2010 stated: “Since 2001, British Columbia’s natural gas sector has experienced nothing short of phenomenal growth…” Mineral production in the province has also trended upward, as demonstrated by this chart, prepared from government statistics: Despite this, government experienced one deficit

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