Alberta Diary: Resolving ‘Tobaccogate’ – Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion … but not necessarily in Alberta

Where there’s smoke, ummm…. there’s smoke. Got that? Actual Alberta government tobacco lawyers may not appear exactly as illustrated. Below: Alberta Ethics Commissioner Neil Wilkinson. The astonishing thing about yesterday’s ruling by Alberta’s Ethics Commissioner exonerating Alison Redford in the “Tobaccogate” affair is not that Neil Wilkinson concluded no wrong

Continue reading - Alberta politics: PC MLAs vote for Bill 45, but law limiting free speech is ripe for a constitutional challenge

TweetDespite a united front from opposition parties, days of large protests by public sector unions, and calls by constitutional experts that the law would be ripe for a Supreme Court challenge, 33 of Premier Alison Redford‘s Progressive Conservative MLAs voted tonight in favour of passing Bill 45: Public Sector Services Continuation Act into

Continue reading - Alberta politics: Threatening to strike in Alberta? Under Bill 45, that’s a paddlin.

TweetJasper Beardly explains the Redford Government’s Bill 45: ”Threatening to strike? That’s a paddlin’. Talking about going on strike? That’s a paddlin’.” In their rush to pass anti-labour laws that would force the province’s largest union into a new contract and increase penalties public sector unions that enter illegal strikes, could Premier Alison

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Alberta Diary: Redford Government set to impose wage freeze on public employees, blowing winning coalition to smithereens

The state of public service labour relations in Alberta, circa some time this afternoon. Premier Alison Redford, in black, is visible standing at right. Below: Alberta civil servants’ likely response to the government’s plan. Actual events in the near future may not appear exactly as illustrated, especially the part with

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