The Canadian Progressive: Indigenous and Human Rights Groups Issue Joint Statement Supporting Chief Spence and #IdleNoMore

Twenty-four indigenous and human rights groups have issued the following joint statement supporting the #IdleNoMore grassroots movement and Chief Theresa Spence, who is in the fourth week of her indefinite hunger strike on Ottawa’s Victoria Island, just across from the Canadian Parliament. Chief Spence, the leader of the northern Ontario Attawapiskat First

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The Canadian Progressive: Elizabeth May shares her 2002 hunger strike experience, begs Harper to meet Chief Spence

During my 85-day hunger strike against Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s New Jim Crow-style crime Bill C-10, the deceptively christened “Safe Streets and Communities Act”, a prominent opposition MP told me hunger protests weren’t part of the process of democratic engagement in Canada. I was shocked and disappointed. First, during our conversation on

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