Scott's DiaTribes: Happy Civic Holiday… and why Obama did the deal he did.

To all of you in Canada who get this first Monday off, whether it’s called Civic Holiday or whatever, all the best to you. As for politics on this day, attention has turned to our US neighbour’s attempts to get their debt ceiling agreement in place before they default tomorrow. A tentative deal has been reached, which still has to be voted on and passed, but many progressives and liberals – both in the US and here in Canada –  are dismayed at the Democrats and President Obama’s unwillingness to force the Republicans to compromise more in the agreement.  They view it as a sellout of Democratic and progressive/liberal […]

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Platform pieces

I haven’t even read this yet, so I’ll save substantive commentary until after my yard work is done. But there is a bit of chatter about it on twitter (check #nlpoli). Here’s a copy of the document at the heart of the Liberal platform announcement from earlier this morning:

Caring for Our Seniors

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Maybe it’s just me

…but today’s National Post carries a headline that made me do a doubletake to find out if it was about a real story or just an analogy for the Great Out-of-Control Debt Ceiling Debate that’s been dragging on in the States lately.  Kn…

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