But none dare call it fascism…

…because it’s DIFFERENT when Israelis do it: A mosque in an Arab village in the Galilee, northern Israel, was set on fire in the early hours of Monday morning in what police said was an arson attack, and its walls were defaced with Hebrew graffiti. The perpetrators were widely suspected of being Jewish extremists. The […]

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Peace, order and good government, eh?: Dear Brian Topp

In the last couple of weeks I’ve noted a certain amount of criticism directed at the Globe and Mail for allowing you to continue to write a regular column for that newspaper. I don’t think nearly enough of that criticism has been directed at you for continuing to take advantage of the Globe’s willingness to allow this situation to continue. I believe that the moment you entered the race for the NDP leadership, you should have recognized the unfair advantage that column provides you to promote your agenda and to build your profile. You should have resigned the position by now. That’s especially true when the other candidates are expected to resign from their roles in the shadow cabinet in order to, supposedly, level the playing field. The fact that those other candidates continue to be members of parliament with the public exposure that brings isn’t their problem. It’s yours. They were elected to represent their constituents and have an obligation to continue doing so. The longer this situation continues, the more it begins to look as though the fix is in and the leadership race is really just theatre for the benefit of the voters. Ethical considerations aside, I…

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