Peace, order and good government, eh?: I’m sorry, you can’t enter the protest without a tie

These "occupy Wall street" protestors and the various satellite venues have been letting the side down in no uncertain terms. The media have rightly been very severe on this issue, and the pictures also make it clear. It is glaringly evident that not just a few, but many of the people who show up to these events, much less the one who camp there day in and day out, have been just strikingly poorly dressed. I understand that many of them are young. After all, unemployment is far higher among the young, the massive student debts and unaffordability of housing strike them far harder, and if the final reckoning for unsustainable practices both ecological and economical can be put off a few years they are the ones who will still be here come the deluge. But honestly, do they have to go around acting as if they were young? Dancing, and playing their infernal music like young people do?! And worst of all, dressing as if they were young? What is worse, many of them look like poor people. Imagine, poor people with the nerve to protest poverty! Clearly they should be leaving it to their betters, or at least…

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Further to previous

The Western Star has latched on to a story that first ran this weekend in Halifax’s Chronicle Herald about a coalition of environmental advocates calling for Nova Scotia Power to consider buying readily available hydroelectricity from Quebec rather th…

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