Occupy Vancouver on the move

With the likely scenario of violence in Toronto as Bill Blair’s baddies descend on the occupiers who refuse to move, Occupy Vancouver has taken a different stand. Instead of confronting authorities, Occupy Vancouver will continue with its unique approach to non-violent resistance by simply moving the camp. The location has

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BigCityLib Strikes Back: MikeHudak/Tim Harris

Ontario News Watch has been gradually expanding beyond simple news aggregation into investigative jurnalism, with occasionally impressive results.  For example, this story: Directly contrary to what PC leader Tim Hudak’s advisors have been saying publicly for two years, a number of former Premier Mike Harris’ so-called “Whiz Kids” were involved

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Disturbing…in a good way…

Unsettling America t/here i found this… Waziyatawin Speaks to Occupy Oakland Waziyatawin is a Dakota writer, teacher, and activist committed to the development of liberation strategies that will support the recovery of Indigenous ways of being, the reclamation of Indigenous homelands, and the eradication of colonial institutions. Waziyatawin comes from

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