G20 brings about Canada’s ‘largest’ spying operation ever; this before the online spying bills are even passed

Canada, you’ve just lived through what the RCMP calls the “largest domestic intelligence operation in Canadian history”. Wow… How does it feel? Last week Canadians learned that the government initiated a large Canada-wide, RCMP-led surveillance mission leading up to the G20 and G8 meetings, as well as to the 2010

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The Common Sense Canadian home page: Video: First Nations Stand Their Ground Against Prosperity Mine at BC Supreme Court

The Tsilhqot’in First Nations and their supporters have been at the BC Supreme Court this week, fighting for an injunction to keep Taseko Mines from commencing work on the controversial proposed Prosperity Mine – amid Tsilhqot’in traditional territory, southwest of Williams Lake. While the Harper Government recently agreed to examine

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The Common Sense Canadian home page: Video: First Nations Stand Their Ground Against Prosperity Mine at BC Supreme Court

The Tsilhqot’in First Nations and their supporters have been at the BC Supreme Court this week, fighting for an injunction to keep Taseko Mines from commencing work on the controversial proposed Prosperity Mine – amid Tsilhqot’in traditional territory, southwest of Williams Lake. While the Harper Government recently agreed to examine

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DeSmogBlog: The Science of Debiasing: The New “Debunking Handbook” Is a Treasure Trove For Defenders of Reason

dbh_large.gif For quite some time here at DeSmogBlog, I’ve been writing about the growing science of irrationality—in other words, our ever-better scientific understanding of why people reject clearly correct information. I believe we can’t possibly get to a better place, in debates over issues like global warming, until we understand

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One In A Million?….Really?

BetterThanWiki NotThatWe’reCountingOrAnythingVille It’s a funny thing, the blogging business. Because, normally, what you write today is worth even less than fish wrap tomorrow (or sooner) given that, unlike all the old yellowed newspapers filling my bookshelves to bursting, nobody, including bloggers themselves, ever bothers to actually print out their blather.

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