Orwell Rolls in His Grave

A documentary made a few years back, but still broadly relevant today. It’s all about how corporate lobbyists control government, and how corporate interests control media, and the dangers to democracy that result from this high degree of corporatization. The specific example here is that of the United States of

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Austerity for me but not for thee?

Today the news sites are jam packed with interesting tidbits about government spending and the disparity of wealth in this country. First out of the gate is the fact that CEO’s and CFO’s earned the median Canadian income by noon today. According to a report by economist Hugh Mackenzie, of

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The Hacktacularization Of Everything

There’sAHoleInYourBucket DearLizaVille Christy Clark in trouble because the big tent that Gordon Campbell yanked out of the hands of Gordon Wilson is coming apart fast, at the seams, from the inside? Not to worry. Because here comes Keith Baldrey to do a little ‘externalizing’: The federal government’s decidedly right-ward shift

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