Northern Reflections: Making It Easy

Susan Riley wrote in the Ottawa Citizen yesterday that  federal politics these days is truly baffling: It is hard to decide what is more astonishing: Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s inconsistencies and course corrections, or the fact they have done no serious damage to his standing in the polls. For a

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Talking points for reassurance

Given the absence of details over just what the “transformation” of Old Age Security pensions will entail, as hinted at in Harper’s Davos speech, the government put out talking points to reassure people that they’re not going to touch anyone currently receiving benefits. I feel reassured already! They also put out talking

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Red Tory v.3.0.3: Blood Money

The SuperPAC supporting (but definitely not co-ordinating with!) Newt Gringrich yesterday released another negative “documentary” attacking Mitt Romney. Called “Blood Money” the film links the former head of Bain Capital to Damon Clinical Laboratories, a medical testing company the equity firm controlled during the early 90s that was subsequently found

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David Climenhaga's Alberta Diary: Lloyd Snelgrove’s Dinner with Danielle: far-right desperation or another Wildrose exodus?

Phone camera photo? Former Stelmach right-hand man Lloyd Snelgrove spotted with Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith in Calgary brewpub! Alberta politicians may not be exactly as illustrated. Below, the real Mr. Snelgrove (caught without his trademark goatee) and the real Ms. Smith. With election fever gripping the province and the far-right

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“Let Me Be Perfectly Clear…”

Our Canada is gone. Harper made that perfectly clear this morning in Davos, Switzerland.  Sweeping changes to Old Age Pensions.  Privatisation of science and innovation.  Deregulation. MacKay signed off our military sovereignty quietly yesterday, authorising Homeland Security operations on Canadian soil, in the event of an emergency, or a terrorist

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Canada’s New Human League Of Nations…

. ….The Handsome Furs And if you want to see Dan Boeckner and Alexei Perry, who currently call Montreal home, improve world relations while they see/tour/play the world you can watch their entire ‘Indie Asia’ series, archived at their website, here. Finally, yes, South Side Torey’s boys had the Furry

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