Wonder If The Birdman Wants To Send The Judges To…

. …His Highly-Concentrated Northern Relocation Camps. Why? Well, it would appear that, based on the reporting of The Globe’s S.Dhillon and J.Hunter, dem judges, dey gettin’ uppity: Asserting that the judicial branch must remain independent of policies that “could control or manipulate proceedings,” British Columbia’s top three judges have delivered

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Art Threat: Emotionally devastating documentary explores Israeli bombing of Gaza – Friday Film Pick: Tears of Gaza

Dozens of Palestinians have been killed or wounded in Israel’s latest bombing campaign of Gaza, while the Israeli military stubbornly insists the child-killing attacks are necessary to stop “terrorism”. Such bloody assaults on Gaza are unfortunately common, and those that took place over 2008-2009 may have been the most devastating.

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Trashy's World: Friday miscellany…

Encyclopaedia Britannica edition… Bye-bye to that venerable institution. I remember when my parents bought a set from a door-to-door salesman. I went through every single page! But the truth is that research tools have come a long way and we shouldn’t mourn the death of the candle because of the

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Did The Birdman’s People Even Bother To…

. ….Talk To Anybody Up North Before He Floated His Highly Concentrated Welfare Relocation Plan? Why do we ask? Well, it would appear that more than one mayor from British Columbia’s Northern Hurtland is concerned about all that re-locationary concentration. For all the right reasons. The CP has the story:

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ROAR!: Canadian MP’s: Turn your Back on the Debate

Here’s an idea! Dear Canadian MP’sI would like to formally request that in April, when Conservative MP Stephen Woodworth rises in the House of Commons to discuss his interest in ‘when life begins’ that you all respectfully                                                               rise and                                      turn your back.  Remain silent.  SEND YOUR MESSAGE WITH ONE UNIFIED

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