Far and Wide: Pre-Mature Verdicts

I’ve been utterly amazed at how many supposed political “experts”, pundits, observers, have been so quick to pass judgement on the robo-call affair. There is a dismissive tone, intertwined with some sort of misplaced arrogance, that thinks the electorate fits into some neat theorem. There is a reason all study

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FOI For BeeCee…A New World Record!

AllTheFreedomOfInformationThatDoesn’tFit RedactEverythingVille And The Record Is 1,751. Number of FOI requests by one person? ….Nope. Number for FOI requests aimed at one government department? ….Nope. Number of FOI requests involving other FOI requests that were never answered? …Who knows, that’s top secret? Number of pages completely redacted from Ian Reid’s

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