Queer-liberal: Today’s lament: “Doug Ford is dumbing down Ontario” by Max Fawcett

Today’s lament: “Doug Ford is dumbing down Ontario” by @maxfawcett  ‘There’s fierce competition in the unofficial race for Canada’s most dangerous premier, with Alberta’s Danielle Smith deliberately destabilizing her province’s health-care system and Saskatchewan’s Scott Moe literally breaking the law so he can thumb his considerable nose at the carbon

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Alberta Politics: The Recovery War Room: Best practices if ideologically acceptable, but not necessarily best practices

Alberta’s United Conservative Party Government tabled legislation yesterday to establish its previously announced Canadian Centre of Recovery Excellence, which appears to be the drug-treatment equivalent of the UCP’s notorious Alberta Energy War Room.  Canadian Centre of Recovery Excellence CEO designate Kym Kaufmann (Photo: Kym Kaufmann/Eden Health Services). According to the

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IN-SIGHTS: Wisdom is timeless

Louis Brandeis (1856-1941) was a U.S. Supreme Court Justice for 23 years from 1916. He was nominated by Woodrow Wilson but the President’s choice was hotly contested. Writing for the New York Times in 1964, Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas explained the opposition was because the nominee frightened the

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Alberta Politics: Danielle Smith squirms at thought of Jason Kenney’s Critical Infrastructure Defence Act used against her allies

You might be tempted to think Alberta Premier Danielle Smith was on the right track with her obvious discomfort at the thought of her predecessor’s Critical Infrastructure Defence Act being used to prosecute the so-called anti-carbon-tax protesters impeding traffic alomg the Trans-Canada Highway west of Calgary. A few of the

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