Welcome home, Oboe

We brought Oboe home from the hospital last night. There hadn’t been any improvement since Friday, but no deterioration either. Poor little guy. Life’s tough right now. But so is Oboe; he’s a feisty little bird. (Although you wouldn’t know it to look at him right now. His personality has

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We went to visit Oboe in the hospital again this evening, and he seems to be improving. His breathing still isn’t great, and the vet says it might be a punctured air sac. She’s hoping it’ll resolve itself over time. She says we’re basically keeping him alive and buying him

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He’s still in the hospital. He’s not out of the woods yet. The vet wants him to get a little better on his own before she treats him, because she doesn’t think he’s strong enough or stable enough right now to survive stressful treatment. For example, she’ll need to anaesthetize

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Larry O’Brien has declared Ron Paul as his hope for President of the United States. He likes his economic policies, which include immediately balancing the budget while eliminating the Federal Reserve and abolishing income taxes! You’d think Larry might have learned from his own failed attempts at budgeting that some

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Over the past few days, in the midst of all the craziness, we’ve received some warm and friendly emails from several different dog rescues, inviting us to take a look at their dogs. This here is Dexter. Isn’t he wonderful? Not only is he absolutely adorable, but he’s affectionate and

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