Canadian Dimension: Essays on Indigenous struggles offer both insight and oversight

Blockades or Breakthroughs? Aboriginal Peoples Confront the Canadian State Yale Belange & Whitney Lackenbauer McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015 Canada has a long history of Indigenous resistance to colonialism. A geography of Indigenous struggle with the state is invoked by the names Oka, Ipperwash, Gustafsen Lake and Caldeonia. Blockades or Breakthroughs,

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Canadian Dimension Feed: Alliances: Re/ Envisioning Indigenous non- Indigenous Relationships

From movement organizing to individual relationships, Lynne Davis’s new anthology, Alliances, explores the tensions and possibilities of coalitions between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples today. Exploring the links between Indigenous struggles for self-determination and labour, environmental, and social justice movements, Alliances encompasses a variety of writers and approaches. The collection includes

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