Canadian Trends: Lost In Stimulus

World markets and investors continue to scratch their heads about the market’s direction and the problems it’s facing. There is seemingly only one thing they all agree on, and that is they all are “hoping for more stimulus”. On any speculation of such hope, markets rise – which should confirm

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Canadian Trends: There is no Canada, only Zuul

Perspective is everything. When a Canadian citizen looks up at their government, they see a democratic institution being stolen from them through deceptive practices. When an international corporation looks down at a government, they see a tool for the implementation of policy. To understand the multi-facted implementation of policy and

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Canadian Trends: Reality Check

Don’t worry! A solution is coming I just can’t tell you what it is. Energy and economics have much in common, in fact economics is just a system to organize the exchange of energy in the form of trade. Today however I discovered another commonality between the two: analysts of

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Canadian Trends: When our leaders talk about austerity remind yourself of this

Released by Anonymous Quebec. From the description: Identification (n’hésitez pas à nous envoyer vos requête d’identification par MP)Lucien Bouchard @ 13:50, 16:15, 18:13, 1:40:05, 1:40:36, 1:40:54Brian Mulroney @ 14:10, 15:29, 19:25, 1:36:25, 1:38:49, 1:41:13, 1:42:50Jean Charest, semi caché @ 14:29, 15:52, 19:35, 20:07, 43:48Jean Chrétien @ 15:00, 43:15, 43:35, 1:40:19,

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