Canadian Trends: Oh Canadian Banks

Canadian banks are in the news again… Royal Bank subpoenaed in LIBOR probeSix Canadian banks on review for Moody’s downgradeCanadian banks snapping up consumer loans The last entry there is by far the most interesting, when placed in context with the other two: So to keep their loan books getting

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Canadian Trends: Rate-Hike Redux

Today’s Bank of Canada announcement has apparently caught many of the “experts” by surprise. I’m not sure why it’s surprising, nothing has changed and therefore nothing has changed. Alongside the Bank of Canada’s underwhelming announcement comes a few reports showing the true state of the Canadian economy. The bank of

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Canadian Trends: The moral authority

I’ve just finished reading an interesting article from Mother Jones which could constitute as an argument against my post on Obama’s speech. Since I haven’t received any other arguments besides “.. but.. but IEDs!”, this article will have to suffice as a counter-point. In this article, the author essentially makes

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