Evilness: On Public Goods

I occasionally get what can best be described as evangelical libertarians following me or engaging with me on Twitter. Their fervour for their ideology borders on the same level as that of evangelical Christians to the point of denying any evidence to the contrary their beliefs. One case in point

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Evilness: Prorogue time again.

So our Maximum Leader Stephen Harper had decided to hit the reset switch on parliament again. This time, despite the crowing on the internet, the timing is similar to prorogations done by other PM’s in the past. Yes some scandals are brewing, but proroguing Parliament isn’t really going to detract

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Evilness: Some more astrophotos.

Over the past month I’ve acquired a new mount for my telescope, and also a new telescope. Now in addition to my 127mm (5″) Maksutov I also now have a 200mm (8″) Newtonian. The Newtonian is photographically quite fast so it provides a wider field of view than the Maksutov.

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Evilness: Solar storms

Some time ago I ended up on some email list of bloggers. This means I get a litany of emails from various media outlets asking me to review some book or what-have-you. Generally the topic is some crackpot theory or another (the Maya apocalypse has been a fairly constant theme

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Evilness: Fun with scammers

So I’m sitting at home today watching my toddler run around when the phone rings. I answer the phone and someone with a heavy Indian accent introduces himself as someone from technical support and calling me about my computer. Given that I haven’t called tech support about any of my

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Evilness: Interesting…

Given the media feeding frenzy that is the robocall scandal, it is interesting to note the almost complete lack of Conbot commenters in the comment sections of the stories. This can mean a couple of things, first that the people that the Conservatives pay to troll through media comment sections

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