An unpaid political announcement from darkdaughta…

 Remember when…

Obama signed a bill into law that allowed his administration to indefinitely detain anyone without just cause…
Continued to keep Guantanamo Bay open…

Ordered a mafioso like hit on a legally elected head of another completely autonomous nation…

Ordered another hit on an alleged international criminal without due process of law…

Imprisoned and tortured Private Manning because of whistle blowing…

Watched and did nothing as the melted area of the Arctic Ice widened unnaturally…

Did nothing as citizens in the gulf region of the US suffered and sickened and lost fisheries because of the BP oil spill…

Paid out untold amounts to Banks/corporations at the beginning of his term while people lost their livelihoods and their homes…

Continued to wage wars in Iraq and Afghanistan…

Used unmanned drones to fire on innocent civilians including children in other countries…

Developed a plan for healthcare that would see amerikkkans who already did not have disposable income forced to pay for profit insurance companies for health insurance and called it universal healthcare…

Ate good quality food and had shelter while so many of the people he was responsible for did not have either…

Raised away from Black amerikkkan culture but was taught to use a voice designed to sound like a Black preacher’s so that masses of enraged christian amerikkkans but specifically Black people would read him as familiar and do whatever he wanted?

I do.

I remember.

I saw it all.

I will not be tricked, manipulated, redirected or made to believe that voting for a lesser, more handsome, evil with a nicer looking happy Black family will solve a damned thing.

I would not vote for Obama and/or the democrats if I was a citizen and he was the only candidate available.

I’d rather waste a vote on an untried underdog independent who is not a war criminal stealing money away from his citizens in the dead of night than vote for someone who wins but who no one questions because they think he’s such a novel idea.

Although the standard of living, safety and well being of many people around the world including my family will be directly affected by the outcome of this election, none of us are allowed to vote in your elections.

Whoever you elect of the two top candidates (since you all insist on fixating where your eyes and minds have been directed) you are voting in someone you CHOOSE, who you will choose to respect as a president.

For the rest of us you will be choosing a merciless dictator. With this in mind please choose wisely.

Choose someone whose shit you will be able to recognize and challenge. Do not choose someone who just makes you feel fuzzy all over who most of you don’t have the heart to say no to.

Obama is just as dangerous as Romney, actually more so because his evil ways are drone-like stealth invisible for the vast majority of your people, somehow.

On election day, if you can’t bring yourselves to vote independent, please consider doing the unthinkable – voting for Mittens, the man you hate who you will be willing to go out into the streets to defy, who you will stop at nothing to take down in a fight to the death, if necessary.

Do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT vote for the man who has paralyzed and neutralized whole movements for change with a smile, a look, a brand campaign and a well practiced voice, who has been able to hide so many abominable behaviours seemingly in plain sight.

Vote for the one you can see clearly enough to hate.
Not for the one who has pulled the wool over your collective eyes who will lead you to ruin like the Pied Piper led the children of Hamlet.

If you only are capable of seeing two parties, then vote for the dishonest, hateful, untrustworthy, capitalist, racist, misogynist, bumbling buffoon with the orange tan line around his jaw who won’t give up his tax returns. If you want to see change vote for the one whose actions will no doubt reinvigorate movements for change, bringing the people out of their fitful slumber and into the streets.

This political message for my children and for their children’s children’s children’s children has been paid for by my household.

if what you’re reading here grips you, holds you, fascinates you, provokes you, emboldens you, pushes you, galvanizes you, discomfits you, tickles you, enrages you so much that you find yourself returning again and again…then link me.