The Great F-35 Swindle – Is $25 Billion A Lowball?


According to Auditor General Micheal Ferguson it is.
He said so specifically and explicitly to the non-anime version of Evan Solomon this morning.
You can listen to it here.
Please note that, despite what is written in the report, the AG will not explicitly or specifically say who knew what when…He did, however, say that these are questions that the Ministers involved should answer…Those Ministers were not available to Mr. Solomon…Instead, the weasel-wording was left to Mr. Chris Alexander and it would appear that the strate(r)gy is to blame the DND and trumpet a and improved value-for-money process because, you know, there is no contract…Excellent pivot to the national shipbuilding strategy by-the-way Mr. Alexander…Sheesh…Do these people actually look at themselves in the mirror in the morning?