"Where Did This Come From?"


I don’t like to whack Mr. Holman’s rabble-rousers.
Because they often have lots of interesting stuff to say.
Stuff that I don’t know.
Which is pretty darn rare these days.
Not because I’m so smart.
But rather because Lotuslandian broadcast media has become so dumb.
This morning 3/4 of the rabble-rousers were set on ‘full myopic’ while they discussed the BC Liberal government’s ridiculous and half-arsed attempts to move forward with electing Senators.
They all, except Ms. Gregory, just chuckled and kept saying ‘Where did this come from?’ before they went into the minutae.
This nothing to do with anything actual real.
Ms Gregory just nailed it….
(Translation: Mollify the Con-Base at all costs by promising to offer them something they will never get…And yes, the base will notice….That is the reality of the ‘slice ‘n dice, divide-and-win’ political world we now live in because the proMedia will not step back, see the bigger picture, and tell us what is really going on)
Twenty minutes later update….Just to prove that the exception above is NOT the rule, all four rousers really did have some important and useful things to say that gave me new insights about the dispute between the provincial government and the teachers…The most insightful…”Is this really a strike?”…
