Ottawa: a$$hole alert

Car of idiot.jpg

Sorry, all, but I lose all sense of civility when friends of mine are threatened by vehicular cowboys.

This is a public service announcement.

Just this past Monday, Patrick Denny (@atomicnoggin), the partner of my friend Vicky Smallman (@offhandremarks), was cut off by a yahoo taking a Queensway on-ramp. He managed to smash their child’s stroller in so doing. Luckily the stroller was empty at the time, but it’s not likely the idiot would have stopped in any case.

Today another nutbar cut @atomicnoggin off again, on the same ramp. When the latter yelled in protest, the knuckle-dragger got of his car and threatened physical violence. That’s the mouthbreather’s grey Nissan in the picture, licence plate and all.

The cops are supposed to take a statement any moment now, but maybe he can be identified by local readers. I’ll put his name and coordinates up in lights if you do—just email me at Dr(period)Dawg(at)gmail(dot)com.