FABula Calls The (not) Premier…


….A Relentless ‘War’ Campaigner.
Skirmishes, maybe.
But has she been in, and/or and won any real campaign ‘wars’?
PoMo 1996?
Pt. Grey 2011?
Vancouver 2005?
SFU 1986?
Helijet Pad 2003?
And, now, without further ado….Billy Bragg!…Cause he knows we ‘don’t need no war campaigners ’round here….Oh, wait,…What was I thinking of…That’s ‘peace’ campaigners, which is maybe what Ms. Clark really needs to be in her caucus, or she may never get to an election….
The real story behind Ms. Bula’s actual story?…Well, awhile back she couldn’t get near the (not)Premier…And now….Full access!..What’s next in all the desperation….A two hour toe-to-toe with Alex Tsakumis!?
