Christy’s Top Secret BFF Contract To Her Stars In The Chamber


Well, at least it wasn’t ‘solicitor-client’ privilege.
At least not yet.
Jonathan Fowlie, in a post-FOI follow-up from last week has the story in the VSun:

Why is the provincial government able to directly award a contract to a friend of Premier Christy Clark?

That’s been the question since news broke last week that the communications chairman from Clark’s Liberal leadership campaign last year has a contract with government that allows him to bill up to $10,000 per month for a period of six months.

The deal is with Don Millar, through his company Reception Point Consulting ., to “provide a full range of advisory services.”

The answer to how the contract was awarded lies within the rules of government procurement.

{snippety doo-dah}

..(The) government can directly award a contract when “the acquisition is of a confidential or privileged nature and disclosure through an open bidding process could reasonably be expected to compromise government confidentiality, cause economic disruption or be contrary to the public interest.”

In a statement last week, government cited this as the reason Millar’s contract was not put to a competitive bid.


What, exactly, is the good Mr. Millar working on that is so super, cone-of-silence, secret anyway?

Is it possible that he is engaged in highly strenuous $10,000 a month confabs with Princess Pammy working on one of those special projects for the people that only the two of them can actually see and/or hear?
