The Free Enterprise Bolshevik


On the one hand ‘The Christy Party’ is doing and saying stuff like this:

Preaching free enterprise BC…

Liberals appeal to conservatives to fight common enemy and avoid splitting the vote

And on the other hand ‘The Christy Party’ is using our money to push their pseudo-socialist ‘jobs plan’:

…Premier Christy Clark’s B.C. Liberal government spent $17,000 Sunday to advertise its jobs plan during the Super Bowl.

Officials said the amount went to pay for two commercial spots, one that before the game began and cost $648. The other aired during the game itself, the government said, and cost $16,380.

The advertisements ran only in the B.C. market, officials said.

Pat Bell, (The Christy Party’s) Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation, was not available for comment Monday to speak about the advertisements, which are part of a larger campaign by government to promote its jobs plan…

{snippety doo-dah}

…Recent documents show that as of December (of last year), the government had (already) spent $866,697 on advertising for its jobs plan…


In 2011 Clark’s advisers told her that, with the modernization of marketing, the Christy Party would require an extra 25,000 Twitter followers…..
Which is nothing compared to the real world fact that a suddenly hedge-betting Keith Baldrey apparently thinks that a true measure of the effectiveness of one of The Christy Party’s 3,583,254 recent empty gesture initiatives is the type of news coverage and, especially, the quality of the photo-op it engenders.

“…The news coverage of the (Christy Party’s) energy announcements was widespread and generally positive. Premier Christy Clark had a nice backdrop at BCIT involving young students learning the trades.

But you know what? For all the plaudits she’s receiving for moving away from yet another holdover policy from the Gordon Campbell era, I doubt it will translate into any boost in support for her leadership or her government.

That’s because the government is in such deep, deep trouble with the public that one has to wonder whether it’s reached the point of no return.

There comes a point in any government’s existence where nothing it does – no matter how popular or sensible it may be – can save it from demise the next time it faces the electorate…”

But, then again, what do I know.
After all, maybe the number of young kids learnin’ stuff that you can get in the background of a picture for the TeeVee news coverage actually is a reliable indicator of a government initiative’s true effectiveness and/or future success.
Not to mention its real world ‘popularity and sensibleness’.