Wealth is wrong.

Nobility, royalty and wealth are all repulsive concepts that our society has been slowly phasing out due to increased humanity and understanding. Wealth is the most accepted concept out of the three, rarely being attributed to negative things, when it should be. The idea of wealth, much like royalty requires an underclass. To be wealthy, there has to exist people that are… not.

In order to gauge wealth, one must have a comparison. When poverty exists, there’s perfectly valid reason to label some people as a rich or wealthy by contrast. It’s a means to distinguish the ease, convenience and of lifestyles.

That is the problem: that there is those with less. To accept that wealthy people exists, we just accept appalling and sub-par conditions of others. In order to be aware of the riches of the few, we must also understand the unnecessary suffering of many. When some families affluences are high, and other peoples’ aren’t, you know that wealth is working.

From a human perspective, which I hope is the de facto perspective to support, the concept of wealth is despicable and an affront to humanity. Wealth creates suffering. Wealth sanctions suffering. If you’re content with a wealthy few, you’re also content with the suffering of more.

Egalitarian distribution of wealth into the hands of all, especially to those who require it the most, is what’s ethically mandated if you have a conscious. It’s necessary to bring the most affluent down in order to boost everyone else up. Once wealth is systematically dismantled in practice and in thought, the world would be a much more equal place.