Most people don’t matter.

It’s easier to please those on the top. It’s far more beneficial to please those on the top, as they can benefit you the best. The underclass and the commoners are easier to ignore when you’re surrounded by those on the top.

The Conservatives don’t care about you. Well, you being the majority. They care about you if you’re rich enough. They care about you if you have enough money. Otherwise, why would they? Conservatives in power have consistently shown to genuinely disregard the struggle of most people, and typically prefer nepotism and plutocrats.

Conservatives like to slap and disregard the unemployed, low-income earners, and even your average joe! While simultaneously improving the system of welfare towards the wealthy. Surely, a combination of these two goals into one policy would require a psychopathic – yet Conservative – type of genius. They have it. It’s not atypically creative, but its’ genius is obvious.

In order to reach their target of 4 billion dollars in public sector cuts (totally arbitrary, unrealistic and ultimately harmful), they will be paying managers bonuses and raises to find cuts in their respective department. These people make 100,000$ plus, they’re in the top bracket. They’re not even poor enough to hear about the underclass, they’re not even poor enough to want to actively socialize with the middle-class. These people, who are already rich, will be getting richer thanks to the genius of the Conservative party.

This is blatant patronage. Their buddies (Ministers, deputy ministers, etc) will be getting even more money.

They will be getting money to  cut services and lay off workers. You make 50,000$? Too bad, you’re expendable. We need to find savings somewhere. Why would we – the ones who make the most – sacrifice personally? Don’t be silly, that would be too difficult. This is much easier.

Environment Canada, Veterans Affairs and many other services are already losing much funding, and are already laying workers off and cutting services. Those in top positions are reaping the myopic monetary benefits of putting people out of work who do genuine good for the public.

You don’t matter if you make under 100,000$. Conservatives are much more fond of you if you’re rich, plutocrats are lamented by them. But this isn’t news. We should all know this by now.

Redistribution of wealth is something Conservatives love, when it’s slanted to those already doing quite well.

Hey, remember, they might even remove the personal income tax top bracket, saving rich people even more!