Harvey O’s Prescription For Revitalizing Occupy Vancouver…


…Is a pretty darn good one:

“…Revive the protest outside the Vancouver Art Gallery … which IS front and center …in the city, where the action will draw the most attention. BUT do it only one day a week …. say every Friday. That’s every Friday, all year round … with featured speakers at Noon, keeping up the message … every Friday, every week.

The single Day of Action will allow thousands of people … underpaid workers, unemployed workers, involuntary part-time workers, struggling single or coupled parents, union supporters, seniors, overpaying renters, aspiring homeowners, and thousands of who understand and support the true objectives … to show up for an hour or two or for the day and take part, without giving up their entire lives and bedding down in the bushes.

Community leaders, union leaders, even on-side politicians, writers, actors and who knows, even bloggers, could take part in that kind of sustained protest and express their support for the movement….”

Sounds pretty good, eh?
But as for bloggers?
I dunno if anybody really wants to ruin a movement with wastrels and lever pushers like…