Here’s To The State Of The Golden Era….Verse 2

Here’s to the stealth of the Era’s Henchmen…
Privatized our Railway….Raped rivers Everywhere..
Rawlogs and Sea-Lice Salmon…In the name of Market Share…
The Cronies with their hands out….Never considered what was Fair…
Here’s to the Land they’ve torn out the heart of…
Era’s Henchmen find yourself…Another Province to be part of…
“With respect to the payment of money referenced in paragraph 9(b) above, from July 19, 2002 to December 28 2003, Bornman paid Basi $25,695.00 and the payments were routed through Aneal Basi….These payments according to Bornman were for political favors and support, client referrals and the provision of information.”
“A former British Columbia lobbyist and political power-broker (Erik Bornman[n]) who admitted bribing a Liberal ministerial aide to get government information in the BC Rail scandal has been cleared to practise law in Ontario….”