Harper on “Occupy” protests: “I don’t know that I want to get into commenting on that”

Harpie speaks! about the “Occupy” protests taking place in Canada today!

Or maybe not so much — Mr.H doesn’t seem very interested in discussing the “Occupy” phenomenon.  If he thinks the protests are all about how the economy went off a cliff in the wake of 2008′s Exploding Shit House Of Dumbness & Greed, he’s got a point: other than what a doctor might call “sympathetic pain”, Canada didn’t endure the enormous gaping economic head wound that was suffered south of the border.  Somehow we managed to neatly sidestep the flaming bag of pecuniary dogshit the Banksters left at America’s front door before ringing the bell and running off with all the money 3 years ago.

Other than as an act of solidarity with Wall Street protesters, I admit to being somewhat puzzled by the protests in Canada myself.  But maybe Canada’s protests are about more than the Financial Crisis and how its ugly ripples somehow stopped just short of the Corridors of Corporate Power where they originated in the first place.   Maybe our protests are better understood distilled to their most basic form as the sounding of an alarm, like the ominous warning given by Fight Club‘s Tyler Durden:

Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not… fuck with us.

And if that’s what our protests are about, little wonder Harpie is less than enthusiastic about commenting on them.