Fetus Fetishists: Knock knock

Everyone Else:  Who’s there?

Fetus Fetishists: We Want the Debate!

Everyone Else:  I said, Who’s there?

Fetus Fetishists:  We Want the Debate!!

Everyone Else:  Hello?? Bueller??

Fetus Fetishists:  We Want the Debate!!!

Everyone Else:  I thought I heard something out there… must have been the cat, passing wind… damn, I’m not going out there for awhile.  Toxic Cat Farts…ugh…


Like an endless knock-knock joke with no punchline, it’s not easy for a fetus fetishist to get any attention these days. It seems that no sooner to do they start flapping their gums at top speed about their favourite subject than everyone else’s eyes glaze over, eardrums explode and bodies hit the floor, comatose.  Disinterest — on a massive scale.

Now they’ve launched a campaign to “Re-open The Debate… “The Debate” that was closed over 23 years ago.  The debate that they, a tiny minority, nonetheless incessantly jabber and shriek and bitch and bleat and tear their hair over, in an escalating collective nervous breakdown that sounds less like vocalization than the brainless static of dumb white noise punctuated by monotonous feral grunts.

From what they call a “press release”:

A group within the educational pro-life movement is about to throw down the gauntlet on what the group claims is the current censorship and hostility toward any attempt to debate abortion.

Right out of the gate, the C-word — “censorship” — proving they have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the word “censorship” means.  Fetus Fetishists, being small-n nazis at heart, seem to genuinely believe that not only do they have the right to mouth off, but they also have the right to an audience, the audience of their choosing (ie. women on their way into a clinic), and if their feverish rants fail to draw the audience they want, it’s “censorship”.  It never occurs to them that nobody’s being stopped from hearing what they have to say; it’s just that most people aren’t all that interested in the goofy dogmatic swill they dish up non-stop, and hearing it just makes their eyes glaze over, their eardrums explode…

This group, known as the We Want the Debate Campaign, will challenge anyone who wishes to defend abortion to an open, transparent and fair debate in front of the people of Ontario. Over the next four months, the campaign will conduct a series of activities to highlight current contradictions and misconceptions that warp the public’s view of abortion. They will expose a systematic distortion by the overwhelming majority of the media of the facts of abortion. They will also denounce the Federal Government’s disregard of the wishes of most Canadians to allow a discussion on the future of abortion in our country.

A senseless challenge:  abortion doesn’t need defending, except from them.  It’s a safe guess that the people of Ontario, and Canada for that matter, are no more interested in rehashing a decades-old debate over a gynecological procedure than they are in discussing what kind of prostate treatment should be available to men.  Most of us rightly feel that these things are between doctor and patient, and the idea of “debating” such personal issues in a public venue is tacky, weird and very bad form to say the least.

On the lighter side, the graphic on their website is inadvertently hilarious…

Blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda yak yak yakety yak
What the majority of Canada hears when fetus fetishists speak: “———-”

…because that’s what most people hear when anti-choicers rail on and on about abortion: a bunch of blank lines, blablablablablablabla, dumb white noise, yaddayaddayadda.  And the eyes glaze over, and the eardrums explode, and the bodies hit the floor…