WTF is “Islamicism?

It’s bad enough in any scenario that we’d allow sleazy politicians to twist us around their porky little fingers like we had spines made of overcooked linguini, but now we’re even letting them make up the Scarywords they employ to click us into Freakout Mode and send us screaming and scrambling under our beds.

In the spirit of never letting a crisis, or even the distant memory of one, go to waste, Prime Minister Steve is jabbering about terrorism again.  In honour of the upcoming anniversary of 9/11, he’s even come up with a new word:

Arguing that the major threat to Canada “is still Islamicism,” he vowed to resurrect the two contentious clauses from the Antiterrorism Act that expired in 2007.

Islamicism“!…??  Really??

Shortly after 9/11, US bloggers coined the term “Islamist” to describe Muslim fundamentalists of the flying-planes-into-buildings variety.  It’s been a perfectly serviceable word, more than up to the task at hand — but apparently not for Harpie.  Reading that Globe article, I thought the word “Islamicism” looked and sounded about as wrong as any word could, like the cat had run across the keyboard and added a couple more random letters.  I immediately consulted with Mr. Google.  Results:  “Islamicism” has a Wiki entry, but it’s one of those “disambiguation” pages: to me, incontrovertible proof that the word is at best semi-legit.  Hmm.

And the plot thickens.  Coincidentally, that Wiki page appears to have been put up late the same day Harper made the remark — yesterday, September 7th.

Making up words, Harpie?  To scare people??  And then putting up a Cover Your Ass Wiki page??  Shame, shame.

I wonder what he’s got planned for the 15th Anniversary of 9/11? “Islama-bamma-fo-famma-ization”?  Maybe for the 20th Anniversary we’ll be treated to something like  “Islama-whamma-bamma-thankyou-ma’amma-ization”.

STOP HARPER… from making up words!!

UPDATE:  Late to the party!  Others have been making wry observations about Harpie’s new word and his reason for inventing it from the Word… “Islamicism”.