Numbers Matter….


And, as BlueGal points out, her podcast with soon to be forever life partner Driftglass has been listened to by more people in the last two weeks than will vote in America’s political proMedia wurlitzered ‘event’ of the moment – The Iowa Straw Poll.
Which, of course, is bizarre in the extreme, given how much corporate money will be raised to back those Republican horses that survive based on the result of all that the hay gazing out on the hustings.
You can listen to those podcasts, which are pure DIY of the finest progressive kind and require no sign-up/etc*, here.
I archive BGal and Driftglass’ pods by the month (they are also available from I-Tunes) and then load ’em, along with crazy stuff from the likes of TAL, SpinalTap’sBassPlayer, Jim&Greg, Mark Maron, SMHolman, and listen to them in the VW (notso)Microbus, which helps keeps me away from the wasteland that is Lotusland’s terrestrial radioscape.
