Libya, Australia, Brazil

The Foreign Affairs committee met yesterday
afternoon to discuss the situation in Libya. The progress is largely halting,
with mere incremental progress, and small surprise, the NDP don’t want to
extend the military mission past September. Meanwhile, the economy appears to
be melting down, but the NDP will consent to a committee meeting on Libya, but
not on said economy. Huh.

And John Baird? Ordered all remaining
Libyan diplomats in Canada expelled, because he’s showing them who’s boss.

Memo to Jason Kenney: Your touting of
Australia’s asylum seeker system is about to take a huge credibility blow
considering that country’s own high court has suspended its plans to send
asylum seekers to Malaysia, calling the government legal team’s efforts “half
baked.” Not a good harbinger for how it might play out here.

While in Brazil, Harper and his ministers
have signed a number of agreements with the government there – never minding
the fact that ambassadors are empowered to do so, but hey, when there are photo
ops to be had, Harper is all over them. Or rather, ensuring that his private
photographer is there to cover them while legitimate Canadian and Brasilian
media are shut out of events. (I wonder – come the New Order, who will be the new
Minister of Truth?)

The Correctional Services watchdog says
that prison violence is up. You know, because of crowding and lack of access to
programming. Vic Toews says no, that can’t possibly right, and Canadians gave
the government a strong mandate to crack down on crime. Evidence, meet

Here’s a look at the beefed-up SUVs that
are part of the Prime Minister’s presidential envy motorcade.

Here is the Maclean’s story on the week leading up to Jack Layton’s
announcement about his cancer diagnosis.

The head of one public sector union is
taking swipes at Nycole Turmel.

And the president of the Czech Republic is snippy with Canada – and 12 other countries – because their ambassadors gave
their support to gay pride in Prague. The horror!

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