I don’t care…to me they just look slow out of the gate and so, so very late…

oh GAWD! i spotted the blackchurian candidate from a mile away spewing slick snake oil and behaving as every inch the confidence man. i dunno how so many people either full out lied to themselves, gave into bipartisanship without a fight and/or just crossed their fingers and hoped for the best. these two just look so dim still protecting him as a black man against the right, when he is of the right, controlled by right wing imperialist, corporate interests. they talk about the gawd king caving in, punting, compromising, complaining about him lacking backbone and talking about exploring other options for the next election. unh…hate to point this out – but shouldn’t have they been talking about other fucking options when he first reared his evil ass well coiffed little head?

Cornel West & Tavis Smiley on Obama: “Many of Us Are Exploring Other Possibilities in Coming Election”

Democracy Now speaks with veteran journalist Tavis Smiley and Princeton University Professor Cornel West about President Barack Obama and the 2012 elections. “He’s rightly associated much more with the oligarchs than with poor people,” says West. Adds Smiley, “I don’t think the President would be hurt, necessarily—the country certainly would not be hurt—by a primary challenge that would refocus him on what really matters. It would refocus him on what’s happening to too many people in this country. It would refocus him on a more progressive agenda.”

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