HST Voter Turnout – Secret Warehouse Lets Sun Shine In!



That’s right.
The image above actually shows the super secret warehouse and the seventy fine folks who are participating in the Oompa-Loompalooza (i.e. counting and verifying the HST referendum ballots).
How do we know this for sure?
Because the image above is, apparently, an official E-BC photo furnished to Black Press’ “BC Local News Group”.
Interestingly, the hyperbole about the number of ballots received, based on breathless bits of stenography from the proMedia that we commented on ad nauseum earlier in the week, has now receded such that the tagline on the image states that ‘officials’ report that turnout has been ‘steady’.
What the heckfire does ‘steady’ actually mean anyway?
Interestingly, however, E-BC has changed the turnout report goalposts.
Specifically, Tom Fletcher today reported that the turnout, along with the number of requests for replacement ballots (oooh goody, more ‘Look, we are legitimate!’data are being dangled in front of noses) will be announced next week instead of first yesterday and then today.
And here is something else you may not have known…..
Apparently Mr. Craig James and the other good people of E-BC are doing a fraud check by randomly calling 6000 people who have ‘allegedly’ mailed in their ballots.
And if, say, five, or even fifteen, of those 6,000 can’t remember the correct day/month/year order of their birthdate in HST referendum-ese, and/or think a telemarketer is calling and thus just say ‘No’ to any and all questions, will these then be trumpeted as evidence widespread fraud?
I mean it’s not like the James’ Gang has not tried to make hay out extremely small percentages of ‘alleged’ wrongdoers in the past, right?
The following is an excerpt from a post I wrote last fall after Mr. James’ raised the spectre of fraud in the original anti-HST petition process, a process run almost totally by amateurs/volunteers, based on very, very small percentages:

“…..The ‘allegedly’ legitimate ‘acting’ head of Elections BC, Mr. Craig James, came out swinging accusatory haymakers earlier this week because he and his had apparently identified some 2,208 registered voters that had signed the anti-HST petition more than once.

Which is way less than one percent.

But get this….Mr. James could only identify 38 registered voters that had signed petitions more than 3 times.

That, at approximately 0.005%, is absolutely infinitesimal.

As is the fact that only 7 of more than 6,500 canvassers (ie. approximately 0.1%) could even be ‘accused’ of ‘alleged’ improprieties.

In other words, rather than being slagged and dragged through the mud of the public prints, the schlock of the talk radio Watercarriers and the the clattering dentures of the hairdoos on the TeeVee, the overwhelming majority of the folks on the ground, who are the ones who have really made the tax revolt work, should instead be celebrated on high, by all of us, for their trustworthiness.


Could you imagine if 99.9% of our provincial politicians and/or their handlers could be counted on to demonstrate such upstanding behaviour?…”

Of course, in the meantime I, for one, am still waiting, with baited Steno Sue-type breath, for those daily paper-cut count reports (see photo above, and recall all that envelope armour you applied, correctly or incorrectly, after marking your ballot).